Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Hero's Welcome

High on ecstasy, the wave eventually crashes to shore; 
Hard sands of reality - the knowing of so much more; 
Yet the ocean sees beyond these droplets of mist evaporating; 
the hopeless and dissed; apathetic and vapid; 
Dancing in revelry with all that's lost and made; 
like contemplating a storm on a clear and sunny day; 
a contradiction of reality, but possible all the same; 
as these words run exasperated on a blank and sterile page;
forlorn tidal forces cause a waterspout to form; 
opening portals between heaven and earth - between either/or;
This is the vortex - the course of a new world reborn; 
Where water and air remain swirling, faceless and torn.... 
So, in light of your service and dedication, Goddess's offering stands; 
If anyone can help you, she's the one who can; 
show you the other side of the ocean, its shoals, and the shores on which it lands; 
the motherload of devotion - the Sea, the Movement, the Maven, the Motion; 
ask and you shall receive; this is the Hero's Welcome...

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