Sunday, June 5, 2011

Harmonic Hexagon

As a woman, a circle.  Free flowing and watery.  No beginning or end to see.  Seducing all and one to succumb to the cycle. Round and Round she goes, where she stops nobody knows. That's the fun. Take the Ride. No control, just flow. The dance of the unknown, unseen and untold.  Just the thing that drives straight lines crazy.  Arrows and beams, all things seen.... Their direct injection and instant gratification.  Their logic and analysis trying to pin the circle down and make it concrete.  And their formulas are clean, like "the quickest way from point A to B is a straight line"  So the circle sighs as they say "Going around in circles will make you dizzy"... but that's only if you don't wear your 3rd eyeglasses to see it's a spiral in 3-D.

Thus, male affection portrays the lady as lust. A sin that must be neutralized - tamed, subdued and submitted.  Framing the circle within the square - a form that can be tracked and analyzed - moderated and mediated, with direct turning points and clear angles of direction.

In this modern affair, the line seeks a soothing comfort it will never find, and the circle seeks a direct freedom she's never had - but within this harmonic hexagon - balance.

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